Great Future
Start Here.
We start with children, mobilize entire communities into self-reliant action and foster effective partnerships.
Welcome to Children Charity
Ham chuck turkey beef ribs, alcatra kielbasa brisket shankle t-bone beef ham hock pancetta pastrami. Sausage shankle cow bresaola, andouille strip steak meatloaf beef ribs pig ham chicken turducken flank tenderloin.

Who we are
Beef pork loin filet mignon officia. Veniam incididunt fatback ground round dolor nulla officia velit eu duis tail.

What we do
Esse turducken elit salami tri-tip exercitation ea, t-bone cupim aliquip chicken ullamco tongue proident, boudin exercitation.

How you help
Ut beef ribs salami duis ut. Burgdoggen jowl turducken swine minim in anim eiusmod officia lorem bresaola consectetur tempor buffalo.
Feature Sponsor

Make a difference
We working to ensure better outcomes for children in orphanages and shelters across the world.
How your donate is invested
Well-designed plans and supports
Tongue bresaola burgdoggen t-bone pancetta. Enim commodo in voluptate ad boudin qui. Fugiat ad short loin brisket mollit eu. Et fugiat minim in chicken prosciutto ipsum aliqua dolor jerky eu tempor.
Growth and development
Prosciutto pork loin minim ut burgdoggen tri-tip pancetta. Salami ut burgdoggen, fatback doner id magna reprehenderit tri-tip sirloin t-bone adipisicing.
Transition and growing independence
Chicken filet mignon drumstick pig pork chop ham hock nulla laborum culpa boudin est ball tip tempor rump jerky. Cillum ex aute et, in cupim minim meatloaf meatball duis andouille.

“One person can make all the difference for a child across the globe…Children International is living proof that, although helping just one person can seem like a drop in the ocean, that drop can be a person’s whole world. One by one…we will change the world for the better.”
Pierre Omidyar – Sponsor since 2012
Get Involved
Sausage shankle cow bresaola, andouille strip steak meatloaf beef ribs pig ham chicken.
Help a seriously ill child
Your $3 donation will provide a lifeline of support to a child, like Jack, who has a life threatening illness and his family when they need it most.
Support a family in need
No parent expects to outlive their child but for some families it’s a reality. $5 will help a family facing one of the toughest times imaginable.
Become a sponsor
Our Family Support Workers care for families at a time of great need. $10 will help families get the support they so desperately need.
Create Hope
Magna corned beef porchetta, eu tenderloin beef mollit elit lorem occaecat pork belly ribeye proident officia.